"The potential for mystical experience is the natural birthright of all human beings."
Stanislav Grof
Holotropic Breathwork®
Affordability & Inclusivity Commitment
I am committed to making the transformational modality of Holotropic Breathwork® accessible for everyone and offer a significant discount to support affordability and inclusivity. If you feel this applies to you, enter the promo code INCLUDEME before check out and it’s yours!
Quiet your mind and open your heart with Holotropic Breathwork®!
Holotropic Breathwork® is a proven method for inducing expanded states of consciousness created by Stanislav Grof, M.D., along with his late wife Christina in 1975. These states help quiet the mind, allowing physical and emotional sensations to surface, commonly leading to healing, insights, heightened creativity, feelings of interconnectedness, or mystical experiences. The key components include deeper and accelerated breathing, evocative music, and energy release facilitated through a specific form of hands on energy release work upon request.
A typical session includes two 3-hour segments, one as a "breather" and one as a "sitter" complemented by integration and creative expression. The evocative music set for each of the segments carries participants on a journey inward, freeing the unconscious to awaken, heal, and transform.
Holotropic Breathwork® stands out from other breathwork practices as it provides a foundation for greater depth exploration and integration. Breathwork facilitators have taken 600+ hours of training over at least two years and commit to ongoing educational requirements and self-development. Grof Transpersonal Training is an exceptional, safe, and ideal training for facilitating non-ordinary states of consciousness explorations. More information about Holotropic Breathwork®.
If you are feeling called to deepen your journey, consider Holotropic Breathwork®. Sessions are held periodically in Salmon Arm, B.C., a beautiful city situated on the magnificent Shuswap Lake. Next event information here or register here.