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"All dreams reflect inborn creativity and ability to face and solve life's problems." 

Jeremy Taylor

Dreamwork Group

If you are intereted in joining our dreamgroup, please send an email to with your inquiry. Thank you!

The Power of Dreams

Dreams have fascinated and inspired people for as long as humans have existed. They have been accessed as 'medicine' from ancient times to modern by healers and doctors alike. Containing messages from the unconscious, their wisdom is uniquely designed to help you navigate your life.


Join a group of people who are on a path of self-discovery, self-care, or transformation, by participating in a dreamwork group. Tami's dreamwork group is a safe and supportive setting for dreamwork. Whether you are an experienced dreamworker or beginner, you will find the group enriching.


​Worry not if you have trouble remembering your dreams because your psyche tends to cooperate when you begin exploring your unconscious. This is a free group wth a maximum of six participants per session. 


Dreamwork Group Structure

The group is structured to allow all dreamers an opportunity to share their own dream for interpretation and to practice the interpretation of other's dreams. The group initially meets together, then breaks out into small groups of three or four for dreamwork. The smaller groups follow Dreamgroup Principles to maintain a safe set and setting as well a common framework for dreamwork. Each participant is invited to bring their own 'dream medicine' within this framework.


Register for 10 sessions and save 25%. Book your ten sessions and pay using promo code DREAMS10 to receive the discount. As a site member, you can manage your bookings to reschedule as necessary.  

Meet Your Facilitators

Tami Denice Soul Centered Coach

I'm Tami Denice and I have been fascinated by dreams since a prophetic dream in 2004 demonstrated their power. Dreams have been a crucial partner on my journey of individuation. Dreamwork has been part of a litany of depth psychology practices I study and participate in. 


I have facilitated and participated in different styles and types of dream groups for the past decade. Many of the depth programs I have taken offer dream study as a component including an entire module of my soul centered coaching program, mesa carrier training, This Jungian Life Dream School, and two years of Jungian Analysis. As a certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitator, I learned the fine art of creating a safe space for depth work. 


Dreamwork is easily accessible to everyone and I structure my programs to be inclusive of beginners and advanced dreamworkers alike. Beginners repeatedly share that they feel confident interpreting their dreams after as little as one session of my dreamwork. 


Learn more about me through a personal story about dreams helping to transform shadow: Can dreams help Individuate? 

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I'm Christina Bachman and I am co-facilitating the dream group with Tami Denice.  I consider dreams my closest ally on the path of individuation.  Through dreamwork we can find our way to an embodied and authentic wholeness.  It is my passion to continue building a relationship with my own soul in this way and to help others do the same. 


I have a background with a BA in Psychology, a Master’s in Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine and I am a student of Jungian psychology and Processwork.  I did a 3-year mentorship with Richard Moss MD in which we explored consciousness through dreams, and a wide variety of awareness practices, and I love to use Byron Katie’s beautiful inquiry practice for shadow work.  I am currently a student at the Institute for Soul-Centered Psychology and Coaching studying transpersonal, somatic and depth psychology coaching techniques. 

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© 2024 Sessions with Tami Denice and Christina Bachman are not a substitute for medical treatment, psychotherapy, or psychiatric treatment. No service is intended to diagnose or treat any psychological or physical illness or mental health condition. 

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